DIY your soreness and restore your range of motion to its peak range with flossing bands (Voodoo bands)

Published on 18 July 2024 at 01:11

Benefits of Band Flossing (Voodoo Flossing) for Soft Tissue Release

As a soft tissue therapist, my goal is to provide clients with the most effective techniques to enhance their mobility, reduce pain, and promote overall recovery. One innovative method I like to use is band flossing, also known as voodoo flossing. This technique has gained popularity for its ability to complement traditional massage therapies. In this blog, I will explain what band flossing is, how it works, and its benefits as a soft tissue release technique.

Understanding Band Flossing

Band flossing involves using a latex compression band wrapped around a muscle group or joint. Popularised by Dr. Kelly Starrett, this method aims to improve mobility, reduce pain, and accelerate recovery by applying compression and shear forces to the soft tissue. This is particularly beneficial for the layers of fascia, which often need help restoring to a healthy function. Healthy fascia means healthy movement of the body.

The Mechanism of Band Flossing

The effectiveness of band flossing lies in its ability to create compression and then release fascia layers and tight muscles.

Compression: Wrapping the band around the target area compresses the soft tissue and restricts blood flow temporarily.

Movement: While the band is in place, performing specific movements helps break down adhesions, scar tissue, and facilitate myofascial release.

Release: Removing the band allows a rush of blood to flow back into the area, flushing out metabolic waste and delivering nutrients that aid in healing.

Key Benefits of Band Flossing

Enhanced Mobility: By breaking up adhesions within the layers of fascia and improving tissue elasticity, band flossing can increase the range of motion in joints and muscles.

Pain Relief: The technique alleviates pain by reducing muscle stiffness, joint restrictions, and soft tissue adhesions.

Accelerated Recovery: Increased blood flow and nutrient delivery to the targeted area promote faster recovery post-activity or injury.

Versatility: Band flossing can be applied to various parts of the body, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles, making it a great tool for addressing different issues.

Including Band Flossing with Soft Tissue Therapy

In my practice, I often incorporate band flossing to enhance the benefits of other soft tissue techniques.

Pre-Massage: This helps warm up the soft tissues, making them more receptive to manual manipulation.

Post-Massage Maintenance: After a massage session, band flossing helps maintain the benefits by reducing the reformation of adhesions and ensuring ongoing blood flow, keeping your fascia in peak condition.

Targeted Joint Mobility: For clients with specific joint mobility issues, band flossing provides improvements by enhancing the range of motion and reducing discomfort.

Injury Rehabilitation: Band flossing is an excellent tool for gentle mobilisation of injured areas, aiding in reducing swelling and promoting a peak healing environment.

How to Perform Band Flossing

Proper application of band flossing is crucial for its effectiveness and safety.

Wrapping: Start by wrapping the band around the target area, applying enough tension to create compression without causing pain or numbness. Begin with a stretch of the band to about 50% and increase to 70% once you are more comfortable with the technique.

Duration: Limit the application to 1-2 minutes to avoid circulation issues. Stop immediately if you feel any lightheadedness or uncomfortable loss of circulation; some gentle restriction is okay. If you have any underlying health conditions, this technique may not be suitable, and it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified health practitioner beforehand.

Movement: Perform controlled movements or stretches while the band is in place to target the specific area.

Release: Carefully remove the band and observe the increased blood flow and changes in mobility or pain levels.


Band flossing is a powerful technique that can enhance the effectiveness of traditional massage therapies. Its ability to improve mobility, reduce pain, and accelerate recovery makes it a valuable addition to soft tissue therapy practice. Whether used as preparation for a massage, a recovery aid, or a targeted mobility technique, band flossing helps clients achieve Peak results.

I will soon be offering a free comprehensive PDF guide with expert DIY self-massage and mobility techniques. As a mobile soft tissue therapist, I offer personalised sessions tailored to your unique needs. Follow me on or find me on Instagram @peakbodyfixers for more tips and information on staying pain-free and at your peak performance. Let's fix that niggle!

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